Thứ Ba, 12 tháng 7, 2011

Stamp design competition by Lithuania Post for all..



Hi ! Here are the details of a stamp design competition  organized by Lithuania Post. This competition is open to all  . Any person from any country can participate in this competition irrespective of their age or education. A great opportunity for artists  designers and common man. The design  must reflect the theme and meet the requirements set. The full details with complete address is given below. Just go through it and Have a Nice Time !

Express yourself in postage stamps !

Postage stamp design competition 2012

All residents of Lithuania and other countries, irrespective of their age or education, may participate in the postage stamps design competition 2012 and submit their works responding to the themes announced.

The designs of the postage stamps to be issued in the first half of 2012 must be submitted to the jury before 19 September 2011. The designs of the postage stamps, which will be issued in the second half of the year, are expected to reach the organizers of the competition before 21 November 2011.

The themes of all postage stamps and souvenir sheets 2012, the details of the competition, information on the awards of winning designs and etc. can be found here.

Lithuania Post is Inviting to Design Stamps

Lithuania Post has  launched a stamp design competition encouraging everyone to use this summer time for the engagement into some creative activities and design at least one postage stamp or souvenir sheet responding to the themes announced for 2012. The authors of winning designs will be awarded monetary prizes, and the works of first-place winners will appear on the next year's postage stamps of Lithuania.

"We have already announced twelve themes to be featured on the postage stamps 2012. We expect everyone wishing to show their creativity to join professional artists in this competition," Director of Sales Division of Lithuania Post Arunas Venckavicius said.

All residents of Lithuania and other countries, irrespective of their age or education, may submit their designs of postage stamps and souvenir sheets for this competition. Most importantly, the postage stamps designed must reflect the theme and meet the requirements set.

In total, 28 postage stamps and 2 souvenir sheets on 12 different themes are going to be issued the next year. The postage stamps dedicated to the XXX Olympic Summer Games, the anniversary of the Battle of Blue Water, Holy Christmas and the New Year, Lithuania and its world heritage, nature, culture objects and famous people will be among other stamps, which will be issued in 2012.

The designs of the postage stamps to be issued in the first half of 2012 must be submitted to the jury before 19 September 2011. The designs of the postage stamps, which will be issued in the second half of the year, are expected to reach the organizers of the competition before 21 November 2011.

The winners of the competition will be chosen by the jury comprising the representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Lithuania Post, artists, historians, and specialist of other fields. The winner of the first place will receive LTL 1000 (Euro 1 = LTL 3.4528) for one postage stamp; the winners of the second and third places will receive respectively LTL 750 and LTL 450. The author of the winning set consisting of two postage stamps or a souvenir sheet with one postage stamp will be awarded a monetary prize in the amount of LTL 1500. Respectively, the winners of the second and third places will receive LTL 1000 and LTL 750.

The themes of all postage stamps and souvenir sheets 2012 and details of the competition are published here.




1. The Public Limited Company Lietuvos paštas (hereinafter referred to as “Lithuania Post”) announces a competition to make the designs of souvenir sheets and postage stamps 2012.

2. Information about the competition shall be published in mass media channels including the internal newspaper “Pašto pulsas“ and the website of Lithuania Post at Competition details shall be provided to everyone wishing to get acquainted with them, and also shall be sent to the artists having participated in previous competitions.


3. The following themes must be reflected in souvenir sheets and postage stamps:

3.1. “2012 metai – Maironio metai” (2012 - Year of Maironis). 1 postage stamp (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. The title of the theme must be included into the postage stamp design.

3.2. “Lietuvos Raudonoji knyga” (The Red List of Lithuania). 2 postage stamps (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. In one postage stamp, the ladybird spider (Eresus cinnaberinus) must be depicted; another one must feature the great raft spider (Dolomedes plantarius). The both postage stamps designs will be printed in one sheet aligned together vertically or horizontally (separated by perforations); therefore, the illustrations must make a single composition joined by natural environment. The postage stamps designs must include the exact names of the spiders in the Lithuanian and Latin languages;

3.3. “Lietuvos krikštui – 625 metai” (625 Years since Christianization of Lithuania). 1 postage stamp (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. The stamp design must include the title of the theme and feature a piece of art of a relevant topic dating back to 14th-19th centuries.

3.4. “Aplankykime Lietuvą” (Visit Lithuania), a set “Europa” (Europe). 2 postage stamps (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. One stamp design must depict urban environment, and the other one – nature views. The localities depicted must be typical of Lithuania. The logo of the set “Europa” (see Annex 3) must be incorporated into the stamp design.

3.5. “2012 metai – muziejų metai. Dionizo Poškos Baubliai” (2012 – Year of Museums. Baubliai of Dionizas Poška). A souvenir sheet containing a perforated postage stamp (schemes of perforation presented in Annex 3). Offset up to 4 colours. The design of the perforated postage stamp must include the title “Dionizo Poškos Baubliai” and depict the great Baublys, clearly seen, and the background of the souvenir sheet design must show a natural environment of the museum and include the title “2012 metai – muziejų metai”. The souvenir sheet design with the perforated postage stamp must make a single composition;

3.6. “Kuršių nerija” (The Curonian Spit), the set “Pasaulio paveldo objektai” (World Heritage Objects). 2 postage stamps (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. One postage stamp design must feature an authentic ethnographic sea fisherman's farmstead of 19th century, another one – the landscape of Curonian Spit. The postage stamps designs must feature typical fauna and flora of the Curonian Spit. Also, the title “Kuršių nerija” and the title of the set “Pasaulio paveldo objektai” must be incorporated;

3.7. “XXX vasaros olimpinės žaidynės” (XXX Olympic Summer Games). 2 postage stamps (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. One postage stamp design must depict a moment from a boxing competition; in the second postage stamp – a moment from canoeing competition (canoe single). The postage stamp design must include the title of the theme and the official logo of the Games (see Annex 3);

3.8. “Klaipėdai – 760 metų” (760th Anniversary of Klaipėda). 1 postage stamp (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. The title of the theme must be incorporated into the postage stamp, which should depict the objects of Klaipėda city related to the sea: the port, ships, sea gates, lighthouse, or other objects;

3.9. “Mėlynųjų vandenų mūšiui – 650 metų“ (650th Anniversary of the Battle of Blue Water). 1 postage stamp (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. The postage stamp design must incorporate the title of the theme.

3.10. “Geležinkelio tiltai“ (Railway Bridges). 1 postage stamp (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 34,5mm by 30mm. Offset up to 4 colours. The postage stamp must depict the Lyduvėnai railway bridge with a clearly seen train passing on it, and the title “Lyduvėnų geležinkelio tiltas“ must be incorporated;

3.11. “Šv. Kalėdos ir Naujieji metai“ (Holy Christmas and New Year). 2 postage stamps (horizontal or vertical) having dimensions of 30mm by 40mm. Offset up to 5 colours.

In the designs of perforated (the ones in souvenir sheets) and all other postage stamps, the following inscriptions must be incorporated (mandatory):


b) nominal value – 0,00 Lt;

c) year of issue – 2012;

d) space for the name of the author should be foreseen (e.g. Xxxxxx).

4. The author shall present his/her designs of the souvenir sheet or postage stamps together with properly completed confirmations regarding the originality of works (designs) (see Annex 1).

5. In case the author has used in his/her designs of the souvenir sheet or postage stamps the photographs, drawings, or other works of art (or their parts) belonging to other authors, it is necessary to indicate that author (or successor of his/her rights) and present his/her (or successor of his/her rights) written consent (Annex 2) to use the earlier mentioned works in the printed designs of the souvenir sheet or postage stamps if validity of copyright has not yet expired.


6. For the purpose of the competition, the following articles must be submitted:

6.1. a colour print of the designed souvenir sheet, postage stamp or a set of stamps of an original (full-scale) size (1:1) made on a sheet of paper of A4 format (210x297mm). On the sheet showing the author’s work, the password (consisting of 6 letters) and the title of the theme should be written;

6.2. the same colour print of the design, but double in size on another sheet of paper of A4 format (210x297mm) with a password (consisting of 6 letters) and the title of the theme written on it.

7. The designs shall be submitted in sealed envelopes. The theme and the author’s password (consisting of 6 letters) shall be indicated on the envelope.

8. The data about the author of a souvenir sheet or postage stamps, namely the first name, last name, address, telephone number together with properly completed (on separate sheets of paper) Annex 1 or Annexes 1 and 2 defined in articles 4 or articles 4 and 5 should be put into another non-transparent and sealed envelope marked with the same author’s password. The envelope containing the author’s data and completed Annexes should be put into the envelope indicated in point 7.

9. Deadlines for the submission of the designs:

9.1. for the themes presented in articles 3.1-3.7 – 19 September 2011;

9.2. for the themes presented in articles 3.8-3.11 – 21 November 2011.

10. Following the deadlines set forth in article 9, the designs shall be submitted to the following address:

AB Lietuvos pašto Pašto ženklų leidybos departamentui

Giedraičių g. 60 A

LT-08212 Vilnius

Konkursui (indicate the theme in the brackets)

11. For more detailed information please call: +370 5 276 6325, +370 5 272 4297 or e-mail


12. The souvenir sheet or postage stamps submitted for the competition shall be examined and evaluated by the jury – Commission for the Issue of Postal Prepayment Means established on the basis of the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”).

13. The competition shall be declared null and void in case less than 3 designs consistent with the requirements of the competition have been presented (in such a case, a second competition shall be announced).

14. The envelopes containing the designs submitted for the competition shall be opened during the meeting of the Commission, which shall be held within a period of three weeks after the expiry of the deadline for the submission of the designs.

15. During the Commission’s meeting, the designs shall be examined and evaluated; then the envelope indicated in article 8 shall be opened. In case the envelope does not contain completed Annex 1 or Annexes 1 and 2, the design may not be evaluated.

16. The Commission shall present Lithuania Post suggestions regarding the winners of the first, second, and third places.

17. The final decision regarding the winners of the competition shall be taken by Lithuania Post.

18. Lithuania Post shall award monetary prizes to the authors of the designs reflecting the themes best and distinct in terms of artistic originality:

For the design of one postage stamp: first place – LTL 1 000*;

second place – LTL 750*;

third place – LTL 450*.

For the design of a set with two postage stamps or a souvenir sheet with one perforated stamp: first place – LTL 1 500*;

second place – LTL 1 000*;

third place – LTL 750*.

Notes: These monetary prizes are subject to taxes as foreseen in the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

The exchange rate is fixed at LTL 3.4528 / EUR 1.

19. The designs awarded by prizes shall not be returned to the authors.

20. Authors’ contracts shall be concluded with the winners of the competition to prepare the final versions of original souvenir sheets or postage stamps. The authors shall be paid an established author’s salary.


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